It has been my heart’s desire to create a university to provide a space to build and expand in consciousness together. Most of all a platform for us to grow together as a community, to help further the expansion of humanity as an “Awakened Collective”. I am easy to connect with and I would like to hear from you.
It is important, in my opinion, to study something new everyday, not only for brain health, also to awaken your conscious mind to different perspectives.
One example of different perspectives is when we stack the feeling of an experience we have had in the past, of love, joy and gratitude. We add the experience of what we saw, what we heard or what we felt for each emotion on top of each other, then it becomes an intense experience in our hearts and minds. This then builds in us more life energy.
What normally happens when you start feeling down about yourself or your life you are stacking negative feelings on top of each other. For example, when you are feeling anxiety, sadness, depression think of the last 10 things you thought about. Write them down if you need to. Most of the time you will find you were thinking about things that are not working in your life and then you spiral down into the negative loop.
To change that, sit up straight with shoulders back, put a smile on your face and stack love, gratitude, joy or happiness. Learn more about this in my talk on this site coming soon.
I like to teach people that your first purpose is to love yourself, then the second purpose is to find your mission on the planet. See video.
Dr. Daniel Amen
Debbie Ford
AE Powell